Imagination is a concept that is simultaneously vaunted and disdained.  Growing up, we are taught that imagination can be overactive and destructive; yet are encouraged to use our imaginations to solve problems.  Consequently, the ability to imagine the fantastic is often lost on adults.  My imagery comes from the realm of imagination and memory, and serves as a meditative outlet for strengthening my imagination and exploring and organizing thoughts and ideas. By drawing things for which there is no reference available, I am forced to continually use and train my imagination.  The meditative act of repetitive mark making used in rendering helps to maintain the focus needed to dwell in an explore these imaginative mindscapes.  The synthesis of two-dimensional geometry and illusionistic perspective serve to describe the juxtaposition of spaces, both psychic (internal) and physical (external), which combine to form mindscapes.  Time spent inwardly focused reveals the details that are necessary to manifest imagined imagery in a way that seems as veristic as possible.  For me, the drawing that comes from the hand is the link between the external, so-called "real world" that becomes the realm of memory, and the internal, imagined mind-space.  The thoughts, ideas, and theories that swirl in my mind during the creation of a drawing coalesce into a finished work that is naturally understood as narrative.  The narratives portrayed form a complex personal mythology populated by archetypes and drama.  By creating stylized symbolic renderings that are contextually ambiguous, the viewer is invited to participate in the scene and reflect on whether it has any meaning for them.  Extreme yet believable perspectives serve to ground the viewer firmly in the portrayed scene, in ways that have implications for the viewer's presence on the scene.  This relationship between the viewer considering the image, and the content of the image itself, complete the work.   


Short Statement

My work uses narrative to explore the intersections between reality and imagination that combine to form personal mythologies.


Even Shorter Statement
